Marketing and Promoting Your Music Through Your Artist Website

Stage CMS makes gorgeous, easy to manage band websites - and on our blog, we’ll give you advice on how to make the best of your Stage website with online marketing advice for the modern music industry.

Your band website should be the home and one-stop shop for your music and merchandise, while also remaining easy to manage. On the Stage CMS Blog you’ll fing advice on how to make your band website a useful marketing tool that promotes your music, as well as other strategies from modern music marketing.

On the Stage Blog you’ll find advice on all things online marketing for today’s music industry.

In the fast-paced world we live in, it’s easy to get lost in the trends and technologies. With Stage, you can stay on top of things easily managing your own website and connecting directly with your fans. Keep an eye on our blog to learn new ways to promote your music online as well as offline, with helpful tips for your music business plan.

Social Media Marketing based on your Band Website

Cristina Mlynek on April 05, 2018

The first installment of the Stage CMS Blog covered why every band needs a website and why you shouldn’t rely solely on Social Media. But once you have your own band website, you can develop your Online Marketing strategy that may very well include several social networks and other platforms.

Online Marketing - including Social Media - needs a strategy and a good…

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Making a good band website: the foundation of today’s music marketing

Cristina Mlynek on March 01, 2018

If your band doesn’t have a website yet, and you’re directing your fans to a social network or music platform, you should probably take care of that ASAP. What happens to your music if Bandcamp closes, like Myspace did? What happens to your online presence when Facebook changes the algorithm or it gets reported, blocked or hacked…? Think about it.

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Learn how to build your band's website

This course will teach you how to create an amazing website for your band and how to use it effectively to promote your music.